Corrigendum and source code of demonstration programs for book.

Molecular Gas Dynamics and the Direct Simulation of Gas Flows

G.A. Bird

Oxford University Press , 1994

ISBN 0 19 856195 4

Corrections to all, including the second reprint (1998)
Corrections to both the first publication (1994) and reprint (1995)
Corrections to the first publication (1994) only

In addition, a number of cosmetic changes were made.

Corrections to the demonstration programs

DSMC0V.FOR line 502 LS,MS should be KS,JS

DSMC1.FOR line 1083 add statement SUU=0.

DSMC1U.FOR line 1322 add statement SUU=0.

DSMC1S.FOR line 965 the statement SUU=0. should be added

DSMC1S.FOR the variables NCU and NCD should be added to those in the restart file

DSMC2.FOR, DSMC2A.FOR, and DSMC3.FOR the variable BFND in the restart file should be changed to FND

DSMC2A.FOR line 913 before this line add the statement A1=AT*(XS-XI)/DX and change both occurrences of AT to A1 within the AIFR call at line 913

DSMC3.FOR line 1062 there should be a *NSCZ in this term

DSMC3.FOR if a molecule is outside the domain in two directions, logic should be added to determine which occurs first

The current versions of these programs can be downloaded as the self-extracting (to a number of .FOR programs) ZIP file (189 kb)
(When run, this produces separate FORTRAN source files for all the demonstration cases)