Occupational Health & Safety Reference Documents

Index to the Documents

Federal Government - the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission, and Australian Standards.

NSW Government Documents - the legislation.

WorkCover NSW Documents - summaries of the legislation, annotated Regulations, Codes of Practice and Guides.

University of Sydney Documents - ohsrm documents from the Risk Management Office, including the Introduction and Guidelines.

AMME Documents - ohsrm forms, localised for use in AMME:
 PART A,   PART B,   PART C,   and the Action Plan form.

You will need Adobe Acrobat to open the documents, including the ohsrm forms. Download the free Acrobat Reader.

Aeromech School OHSRM Forms

The Risk Management Office has also produced standard forms. These forms have been "localised" by adding instructions relevant to staff in  AMME. Please complete the forms electronically if you can.

There are three methods that can be used to fill in the forms, ranked in decreasing order of complexity:

Here are links to the PDF forms; further instructions are inside each form:

School OHS Documents

The University of Sydney

The Risk Management Office has established the Occupational Safety and Risk Management Process, or ohsrm, which provides the following documents

WorkCover NSW

WorkCover NSW manages the State's workplace safety system, including compliance with of the Act and Regulation, and inspections of work places. A lot of useful information is available from WorkCover.

Guides to the Legislation

Codes of Practice

Codes of Practice are not legally binding, but the legislation states specifically that they can be introduced as evidence in proceedings, and that they may be material evidence. Some of the Codes of Practice that may be relevant to the School include:


Guides provide information in a "brochure" style of publication.

Other Information from WorkCover NSW

 It would seem prudent to comply with all recommendations of Codes of Practice, Guides, and Australian Standards whenever reasonably practicable to do so.

NSW Government

Federal Government

Finally, be entertained by the adventures of   Action Item   (just 'cause you read down this far...)

Please email comments and questions to David Rye.