The University of Sydney
Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering


Asset Information is required for all equipment with a value of $1000 and above (GST exclusive).
This form is to be completed by the person responsible for the asset and its physical location.

College/Department Details
Contact Officer
Phone Number

Supplier Details
Supplier Name
Supplier Invoice No.
Purchase Order No.

Asset Details
Location Bld No. & Room
Custodian (Name & Position)
Asset Manufacturer
Asset Description
Asset Model No.
Asset Serial No.

Accounts Payable Infomation
Date received by Accounts Payable _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _       ----------------
Date processed _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _       ----------------

Instructions :
Refer also to Finance and Accounting Manual - Asset Acquisition, Transfer, Disposal and Depreciation Procedures
Once the asset(s) are received and checked, a copy of this form should be attached to the invoice and sent to your accounts payable team for payment and receipting.
To do this you need to enter all the information in the above form, click the "CHECK" button. If everything looks complete, click the "PRINT" button and then once you have a hardcopy to go with the invoice, click the "SUBMIT" button.