Minutes UAV meeting

Date: Friday 28 February 1997

Place: University of New South Wales - Mechanical Engineering Building Room 405


Name   Organisation   Phone   Fax   E-mail  
K.C. Wong   UniSyd   (02) 9351 2347   (02) 9351 4841   [email protected]   
Cees Bil   RMIT   (03) 9647 3053   (03) 9647 3050   [email protected]  
Mal Walker   CASA   (06) 268 4867   (06) 268 4892   [email protected]  
Marcus Mok   UNSW   (02) 9697 8913  
Jimmy Ennett   DSTO   (06) 265 5557  
Bill Filmer   RAAF   (06) 265 1613   (06) 265 1211   [email protected]  
Pat Scanlan   Army   (06) 265 6651   (06) 265 2266  
Hugh Stone   UniSyd   (02) 9351 2393   (02) 9351 4841   [email protected]  
Weimin Zhang   DSTO   (08) 8259 7011   (08) 8259 6549   [email protected]  
Jeff Elliott   TACCA Aust   (02) 9428 5258   (043) 592 506   [email protected] 
Peter Aldridge   ASTA   (03) 9647 3342   (03) 9645 2582   [email protected]  
Peter Gage   ADFA   (06) 268 8271   (06) 268 8276   [email protected]  
Peter Gibbens   UniSyd   (02) 9351 7350   (02) 9351 4841   [email protected]  
Jeremy Randle   UniSyd   (02) 9351 7128   (02) 9351 4841   [email protected]  

This meeting was organised to follow up on the UAV Symposium in Canberra on 30 - 31 October 1996 as agreed at that symposium.  Meeting was chaired by Dr. K.C. Wong and minutes were taken by Dr. Cees Bil and Dr. Peter Gibbens.


1. Progress updates since the Canberra symposium.

(a)  Mal Walker from CASA gave an overview on the current status on legislation affecting UAVs:

The role of CASA is to ensure: 

Legislation affecting UAVs:

Definitions: Considerations  Constraints  Free: < 300 ft, OCTA, non populous


The key: 

CASA's Regulatory Framework Program 

UAV Project Team 


(b)  Jeff Elliot (TACA) 

TACA is a UAV that can stay on station for a long time (3 months) at 60.000 - 80.000 ft. Its primary role is that of a communications platform. There is considerable interest from the UK, China and Europe.

(c)  Bill Filmer (RAAF) 

The RAAF is looking at UAVs as a possible solution to the JP129 surveillance requirement. For BAAS, the Global Hawk, TACA and Predator are considered. For FAAS, armed helicopters, small aircraft and small UAVs will be considered. In March, a visit will made to the US and Israel. As there are no time constraints on the procurement, the Australian can be involved.

(d)  Peter Aldridge (ASTA) 

ASTA builds the Jindavik target drone. Various modifications are being made. ASTA will be involved in the operations support for the JP-7 vehicle (MQ-107).

2. Discussions regarding the potential formation of a formalised National UAV association/organisation.

There is definitely an interest to establish a formal group. Various options were posed. There seems to be a consensus to start small and to define the expected outcomes of such a group. Options are to form a specialist group under the RAeS or IEAust. The RAeS already has such a concept in place in the UK. Also, the RAeS has been supporting the UAV conference held in Bristol. Cees Bil will seek more information on RAeS.

Another suggestion is to setup a listserver, where those who are interested can subscribe or unsubscribe. KC Wong will investigate the possibility to setup a listserver at the University of Sydney.

Appendix A gives a summary proposal of the group and its objectives. Comment and contributions are invited.

3. Time and location for next UAV Symposium - Where do we meet next time.

It was agreed that the next meeting will be held in Adelaide (around December 1997)). Weimin Zhang (DSTO) will take this up with Jorg Hacker (Airborne Research Australia/Flinders Institute for Atmospheric and Marine Sciences).

The meeting after that will be held in Melbourne, to coincide with ICAS'98 in September 1998. Cees Bil will organise this event.

4. UAV Technology Needs - ATF.

The Aerospace Technology Form (ATF) requires information on technology needs for UAVs. KC Wong has already submitted a report to the ATF on present UAV activities in Australia. KC will make a start with a report on UAV technology requirements, eg. secure communications/telemetry, smart cards, fly-by-wire, control systems, frequency allocations, etc., and send that around for comments.

5. Communication

Regular communication via e-mail will be restricted to a list of subsribing parties. General information will be available through a Web site for those parties who do not wish to receive e-mail on general issues. Parties on the original (COSSA UAV Symposium) list should advise whether they wish to subscribe to discussions or not. One last message to the COSSA UAV Symposium llist will be sent to advise parties regarding future e-mail communication and subscription.

6. Close of meeting


APPENDIX A - Proposed association, terms of reference, objectives, roles

(Open for comment and alteration)

Proposals for name:  SUAV - Society of Unmanned Airborne Vehicle

                                NUAVSIG - National Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Special Interest Group

                                  : Others ?????????????

MISSION:  - To promote the use and development of UAV's and their applications within Australia, and to establish and maintain indigenous technological capabilities for the development and operation of UAV's and their payloads.

Specific areas of activity (Terms of Reference):

Technology areas (expandable):

Communication modes:


Affiliation of the "society" with aeronautical, engineering, and/or other professional societies may be beneficial in terms of transfer of information and extending the support network. This will require more discussion. Possible affiliations have been suggested with:

Suggestions regarding this proposal are welcome.

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