Current Items :
Reunion Dinner:
The USMEA holds an annual reunion dinner. This years dinner is for graduates
whose final year of study ended with a 4 or 9, (eg 1954,1989 etc):
2004 Reunion Dinner (Word Doc)
2004 Reunion Dinner
Technical Seminar:
The USMEA also holds an annual technical seminar which will be held on the
23rd November, 2004. The theme of the seminar is "The Fruits of University
Collaborative Research". Please see the following link for further
information: 2004 Technical
Seminar (PDF Doc)
University of Sydney Mechanical Engineering Association.
Mailing Address : USMEA, J07, University of Sydney 2006
Tel : 9351 4064, Fax : 9351 7060
Email :[email protected]
Web : web.aeromech.usyd.edu.au/usmea/