Auto-Ignition of Dilute Sprays
This project is aimed at studying the auto-ignition process in dilute spray flows issuing from a well-defined burner the spray is well characterised and issues in a hot-streaming vitiated co-flows. This burner configuration has been used extensively to study auto-ignition of gaseous fuels as well as highly sheared turbulent premixed flames. It emulates many of the turbulence-chemistry interactions present in modern recirculation combustors, allowing these processes to be investigated without the need to account for complex recirculating fluid mechanics. The presence of a hot, vitiated co-flow also admits the possibility of auto-ignition processes contributing to flame stability. The coaxial design allows for simplified flow fields and uniform boundary conditions, both of which are ideal attributes for numerical modelling, whilst the open design facilitates the use of laser and other optical diagnostic techniques to obtain a sound experimental database. Another key feature of this burner is that the spray is formed upstream of the jet exit plane such that the boundary conditions at the jet exit are well-characterised. This is extremely useful to modellers. The region of interest in the flame is that shrouded by the hot-coflowing stream uncorrupted by the surrounding laboratory air. This region, referred to as the 'valid cone' or 'valid region' is where measurements are made. A range of liquid fuels are investigated as detailed hereon. (Link to be updated soon...)
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